Archer Summary
The Archer Summary page display a summary of the Shoot for the Archer.
Division: The division the archer shot for this flight.
Round Name : The Round the archer shot for this flight.
Score: The archers score for the shoot
Best Score: The best score the archer has shot for this division / round, including the date shot.
Rating: The rating achieved for this shoot.
Classification: The equivalent classification, based on the Rating.
- Note: this round may not be eligible for claiming the listed classification. If this is the case, the eligible Classification will also be presented.
Handicap: The archers handicap after the event, including if the handicap has been improved.
Potential Records
This section lists any records relevant for the Division / Round.
If the archer has shot a new record, their score will be listed in the new column.
When finished reviewing the information, press the Sign Out button to release the archers and complete the scoring process.