Team Groups is used to provide a title to be displayed for a group of Teams on the Events Results page on Archers Diary, and to define the characteristics of the archers to be included in the team.

When the Teams page is selected, the first segment displayed is the Team Groups segment.

Here you will see a list of all of the Team Groups which have been created.

Add a new Team Group

To create a new Team Group, select the [Add] button in the Team Groups segment.

A dialog will be presented to supply the necessary information.

Edit an existing Team Group

To edit an existing Team Group, select the group from the list, then click on the [Edit] button

Property Definitions

Group Name: The title to be displayed on the Event Results page for Teams associated with this group.

Discipline: Filters the list of archers to those who are registered in a flight of this type.

       Outdoor, Indoor, Field and Clout

Gender: Filters the list of archers to those whose gender matches the selection.

       All, Male, Female

Class: Filters the list of archers to those who shoot in the selected Class.

       All, Cub, Intermediate, Cadet, 20 & Under, Open, Master, Veteran, Veteran+, Para Archer, Vision Impaired

Division: Filters the list of archers to those who shoot in the selected Division

       All, Compound, Recurve, Longbow, BB Compound, BB Recurve, Crossbow, Assisted Crossbow

Max Archers in a Team: The maximum number of archers that can be included in each Team.

Use Archers in a Team: The number of archers scores that will contribute to the Team total score.

Where the number of archers to use is less than the number of archers in the Team, then the highest scores will be used.

Delete a Team Group

To delete an existing Team Group, select the group from the list, then click on the [Delete] button.

You cannot delete a group which has Teams associated with it.

A message will appear asking you to confirm that you wish to delete the group.